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Infections Respiratoires Fongiques

Separated by coma

The laboratory participates in research training for students in scientific, medical or pharmaceutical fields.

These training programmes enable students to enter the world of public research (EPST, university, etc.) or private research (laboratories, start-ups, innovative companies, etc.).

  • Doctoral training

The unit welcomes doctoral students from the Biology-Health doctoral school of the Université Bretagne-Loire.

Members of the unit holding a habilitation to direct research :

  • Jean-Philippe BOUCHARA (PU-PH)
  • Alphonse CALENDA (PR)
  • Sandrine GIRAUD (PR)
  • Gilles NEVEZ (PU-PH)
  • Nicolas PAPON (PR)


  • Pre-doctoral training

The unit takes on students as part of various Master 2 courses, such as the Master 2 in Biology, Biotechnology and Therapeutic Research offered by the University of Nantes, and the Master 2 in Science, Technology and Health offered by the University of Angers.
